The glass shredder - Lasidildo
Sata lasissa, mesi huulilla, pitkäkestoiseen nautintoon, lasinkirkasta iloa!
1 review
Regular price
31,90 €
16,90 €
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Brand: Huippukiva
An exceptionally elegant pleasure wand that will give you pleasure for a long time. With its great touch and timeless look, it's sure to please even the most discerning lady! The glass maker is the bringer of a thousand pleasures!
Glass dildos have become a favourite of many due to their easy care, versatility and great heat retention. You can play around with different temperatures and rub all your spots raw at once ;) A glass dildo is the perfect size for a travel toy and will be a joy to have around the house for many occasions. The sturdy stem is deliciously striated for pleasure and the bouncy knob is smoother than ever. Give the glass a chance and be truly delighted!
Glass is a very durable and safe material, and it does not break easily. The glass dildo can be heated under hot water or in a hot water container. Cooling can be done in the fridge or under cold water. Different temperatures bring variety and a whole new range of sexual sensations. See if you like hot or cold, or both! You can also use the stick for massages, try different temperatures! The smooth surface of the glass facilitates penetration and the material can be used with both water and silicone based lubricants. The glass dildo is very hygienic and can also be washed in the dishwasher. When properly treated and cared for, a glass dildo is a lifelong pleasure
The Lasidildo is packed in a beautiful black velvet bag and it is also a perfect gift!
-A glass artificial penis
-Washes by itself thanks to the wider base -Total
height approx.16cm
-Base diameter approx.5cm
-Diameter of the stem approx.3,2cm
-Diameter at the heel approx.3,5cm
-Opaque, clear glass
Glass dildos have become a favourite of many due to their easy care, versatility and great heat retention. You can play around with different temperatures and rub all your spots raw at once ;) A glass dildo is the perfect size for a travel toy and will be a joy to have around the house for many occasions. The sturdy stem is deliciously striated for pleasure and the bouncy knob is smoother than ever. Give the glass a chance and be truly delighted!
Glass is a very durable and safe material, and it does not break easily. The glass dildo can be heated under hot water or in a hot water container. Cooling can be done in the fridge or under cold water. Different temperatures bring variety and a whole new range of sexual sensations. See if you like hot or cold, or both! You can also use the stick for massages, try different temperatures! The smooth surface of the glass facilitates penetration and the material can be used with both water and silicone based lubricants. The glass dildo is very hygienic and can also be washed in the dishwasher. When properly treated and cared for, a glass dildo is a lifelong pleasure
The Lasidildo is packed in a beautiful black velvet bag and it is also a perfect gift!
-A glass artificial penis
-Washes by itself thanks to the wider base -Total
height approx.16cm
-Base diameter approx.5cm
-Diameter of the stem approx.3,2cm
-Diameter at the heel approx.3,5cm
-Opaque, clear glass
Alin 30 pv hinta: 16,90 €
Mahla Millainen_olet: Nainen, Ikä 30–49 vuotta
Suosittelisitko_tuotetta: Kyllä
Kaunis muodoltaan ja kuvioiltaan, ihan kuvanmukainen aaltoileva kuvio. Lasi on täysin kirkasta ja pää sileä, kuviot antavat hiukan tuntumaa. Minulle lähetetty sauva on pienempi (varsi 27 mm, pää 32 mm) kuin tiedoissa ilmoitettu. Nämä tehdään käsityönä, mutta voisi ehkä tuotetiedoissa mainita paljonko mitat saattavat vaihdella. Pari muuta lasisauvaa myös heitti mitoiltaan alaspäin mutta vähemmän. Paksumpi olisi voinut siis olla, mutta muuten tyylikäs ja kiva lisä omiin leikkeihin.